Monday, April 5, 2010

Thank you!

Chris and I want to thank each and every one of our vendors for helping us make the April Market a huge success! We hope each of you were just as successful individually as we were as a whole. Everything about Friday night was awesome and we couldn't be more pleased. We also need to thank the crowd - turnout totally blew us away, especially since it was a holiday weekend. We knew it would be good, but it really surpassed our expectations.

We're already working on the planning for the May market! If you haven't filled out an application to be a vendor, please do it asap. The application deadline for the May 7th market is April 15th (tax day - you can't forget!). If you've already filled out an application, you can just submit your payment and send us an e-mail to and let us know you want to participate.

We hope May is even bigger than April - and hopefully a little bit cooler! See you then!

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